Stand up comedy show: FALLITO E CONTENTO di e con Luca Tramatzu powered by INDIE COMEDIANS LIVE friends & Crox Concerti

Biglietti qui Fallito e contento, il mio terzo spettacolo, vuole innanzitutto essere una dichiarazione d’amore universale. “Love tour” è un indizio. Sicuro che il messaggio verrà frainteso, vi porterò tra i ricordi d’infanzia a conoscere mia nonna, parleremo del Papa, delle bombe e dei Santi, ed esporrò tanti dei miei

Tom Houghton – Deep

Tickets here Star of Netflix, Comedy Central, and Very British Problems, Tom Houghton is bringing his hilarious new show “Deep” back to Europe in 2025. After a phenomenal, sold-out international tour in 2024, the man who went viral on TikTok with the question “Do you ski?” is now turning everything

Nour Hajjar live in Milan

Trickets here Event Description: THIS EVENT IS ENTIRELY IN ARABIC Nour Hajjar is bringing his stand-up comedy show “Godzilla” live to Milan! Get ready for an unforgettable night of humor, as Nour delivers his signature political satire, witty commentary, and hilarious observations. A show that promises to keep you laughing

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